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Every user in Qualytics has one of two roles:

  • Admin - user has full access to everything in the system and can manage datastores, teams, and users. This means that an Admin has the ability to access everything in the application, as well as manage user accounts and team permissions.
  • Member a normal user with only explicitly granted access to the system inherited from any Teams the user is assigned to.

Visible only to users with the Admin role, the Security area gives administrators the ability to grant and revoke permissions to Member users.

In Qualytics, access controls are assigned at the datastore level. A non-administrator user (Member) will have one of three levels of access (Permission) to any datastore connected to Qualytics:

  1. Write - the ability to perform operations on and manage the metadata for a datastore
  2. Read - the ability to view and report on the datastore
  3. None - the datastore will not be visible or accessible to the user

These permissions are not granted directly to users but instead are granted to Teams and a user will inherit the permissions of any team to which she is assigned.

  • All users are assigned to the default Public team and have access to all Public Datastores
  • Admins can create & manage other teams and assign both users and datastores to them
  • When a datastore is assigned to a team, the team is granted either Read or Write access and all team members inherit this permission


  • Only users with the Admin role have the ability to add new datastores and manage global platform Settings such as those in the Security area

Managing Teams & Permissions

  • Find the Security section by clicking on Settings in the menu bar:

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  • In Settings find the Security tab:

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As an Admin user, you can manage the Users & Teams listed or create new ones:

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Creating Teams

You can create a new team clicking in the Add New Team buttom:

  • Screenshot

  • A modal will open with the fields you can add:

    • Name
    • Description
    • Permission [Read or Write]
    • Users
    • Datastores
    • Enrichment Datastores

    Screenshot Screenshot

A team can be granted two types of permissions to a datastore:

  1. Write - the ability to perform operations on and manage the metadata for a datastore
  2. Read - the ability to view and report on the datastore

Editing Teams

  • In the Teams section you can see all the teams

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  • and also edit a specific one:

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Managing Users

Editing a User's Role

  • In the Users section, an admin can change a user's role:

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Adding or Removing a User to teams

  • You can add/remove a User to a team:

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  • All users are inside the Public team by default and that can't be changed. If users should have no default access to any datastore, then no datastores should be assigned to the Public team.

Last update: July 22, 2024