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Notifications supports delivering messages in response to a specified event using any number of supported integrations. Notifications can drive downstream workflows as well as alert users in realtime to data quality concerns.

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Add a Notification

  1. In the right top of the Notification screen, navigate to Add Notification.

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  • Name: name of the notification
  • Description: description of the notification
  • Tags: add Tags to be included
  • TriggerWhen: when the notification should be triggered
    • An Operation Completes
    • Anomalies are Detected in a Table or File
    • An Anomaly is Detected
    • Freshness SLA Violation
  • Use custom message: a custom message when the notification was triggered ScreenshotScreenshot
    • Qualytics App will use the variables to customize your messages.
    • Variables available by Operation when:
    • An operation Completes:
      • {{ rule_name }}
      • {{ target_link }}
      • {{ datastore_name }}
      • {{ operation_message }}
      • {{ operation_type }}
      • {{ operation_result }}
    • Anomalies are detected in a Table or File:
      • {{ rule_name }}
      • {{ target_link }}
      • {{ datastore_name }}
      • {{ anomaly_count }}
      • {{ scan_target_name }}
      • {{ anomaly_message }}
      • {{ check_description }}
    • An Anomaly is Detected:
      • {{ rule_name }}
      • {{ target_link }}
      • {{ datastore_name }}
      • {{ anomaly_message }}
      • {{ anomaly_type }}
      • {{ check_description }}
    • Freshness SLA Violation:
      • {{ rule_name }}
      • {{ target_link }}
      • {{ datastore_name }}
      • {{ container_name }}
      • {{ freshness_violation_started }}
      • {{ container_last_modified_time }}
  • Notification channel: how notification should be delivered:
    • Email.
    • Http Action.
    • Microsoft Teams.
    • PagerDuty.
    • Slack.
    • Webhook.

Last update: July 22, 2024