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Anomaly Overview

An Anomaly is an anomalous data set (record or column) that asserted false to applied data quality check(s). Both Inferred and Authored Checks generate Anomalies, and are batched together when applied through a Scan Operation to highlight anomalies:

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There are two types of anomalies in Qualytics: Record and Shape:

  • A Record Anomaly is at the record-level, where a specific field or a combination of fields are anomalous.
  • A Shape Anomaly is at the column-level, where a field's shapes and patterns are being impacted at a higher level.


In either anomaly type, source records are exposed as part of Anomaly Details. A Record anomaly will highlight the specific record, and a Shape anomaly will highlight 10 samples from underlying anomalous records.

Record Anomaly View

A record anomaly identifies a single record (row) as anomalous and provides details regarding why it is anomalous. The simplest record anomaly is a row that doesn't contain a value for a field where one is expected.

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Shape Anomaly View

A shape anomaly identifies anomalous structure within the analyzed data. The simplest shape anomaly is a dataset that doesn't match the expected schema because it lacks one or more fields. Some shape anomalies only apply to a subset of the data being analyzed and can therefore produce a count of the number of rows that reflect the anomalous concern. Where that is possible, the shape anomaly's anomalous_record_count is populated.

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Anomaly Status

The Anomaly Status enables users to better maintain a worklist through anomalies, it is also a mechanism of providing feedback to the system. Specifically, learning methods are tuned according to the feedback provided by the user - invalidating an anomaly will mean that the tolerances of the checks that caught the anomaly will be updated going forward.

  • Active: The anomaly is active and needs to be addressed
  • Acknowledged: The anomaly is valid, has been acknowledged but kept active in the Anomaly worklist
  • Resolved: The anomaly is valid and has been resolved, therefore removed from the Anomaly worklist
  • Invalid: The anomaly is not valid, removed from the Anomaly worklist and rules updates are suggested to inference engine.

Last update: July 22, 2024