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Export Operation

Qualytics metadata export feature lets you capture the changing states of your data. You can export metadata for Quality Checks, Field Profiles, and Anomalies from selected profiles into an enrichment datastore so that you can perform deeper analysis, identify trends, detect issues, and make informed decisions based on your data.

To keep things organized, the exported files use specific naming patterns:

  • Anomalies: Saved as _<enrichment_prefix>_anomalies_export.
  • Quality Checks: Saved as _<enrichment_prefix>_checks_export.
  • Field Profiles: Saved as _<enrichment_prefix>_field_profiles_export.


Ensure that an enrichment datastore is already set up and properly configured to accommodate the exported data. This setup is essential for exporting anomalies, quality checks, and field profiles successfully.

Let’s get started 🚀

Step 1: Select a source datastore from the side menu from which you would like to export the metadata.

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For demonstration purposes, we have selected the “COVID-19 Data” Snowflake source datastores.

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Step 2: After selecting a datastore, a bottom-up menu appears on the right side of the interface. Click Enrichment Operations next to the Enrichment Datastore and select Export.

export export

Step 3: After clicking Export, the Export Operation modal window appears, allowing metadata extraction from the selected source datastore to the enrichment datastore.

operation operation

Step 4: Select the profiles you wish to export. All, Specific, or Tag and click Next to proceed.

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Step 5: After clicking Next, select the assets you want to export to your Enrichment Datastore: Anomalies, Quality Checks, or Field Profiles, and click Export to proceed with the export process.

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After clicking Export, a confirmation message appears stating "Export in motion." In a couple of minutes, the metadata will be available in your Enrichment Datastore.

msg msg

Review Exported Data

Step 1: Once the metadata has been exported, navigate to the “Enrichment Datastores” located on the left menu.

review review

Step 2: In the “Enrichment Datastores” section, select the datastore where you exported the metadata. The exported metadata will now be visible in the selected datastore.

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Step 3: Click on the exported files to view the metadata. For demonstration purposes, we have selected the “export_field_profiles” file to review the metadata.

The exported metadata is displayed in a table format, showing key details about the field profiles from the datastore. It typically includes columns that indicate the uniqueness of data, the completeness of the fields, and the data structure. You can use this metadata to check data quality, prepare for analysis, ensure compliance, and manage your data.

profile profile