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Create Atlan Persona and Policy

Before initiating the integration process, it’s advisable to set up an Atlan persona. This persona enables you to grant the necessary access for Qualytics' API token to the metadata and data of the connections you plan to integrate. Although the persona can be created simultaneously with the API token, establishing it beforehand simplifies the process, allowing you to directly associate it with the token later.

Keep in mind that enabling Atlan for a data source requires that you first authorize the API token with access to the requisite metadata and data. This is done through policies set within the persona for the Atlan connection that matches the Qualytics data source, and it must be done for each data source you intend to integrate.

Step 1: Go to Governance and Personas.


Step 2: Click on New Persona.


Step 3: Add a name and description and click on Create.


Step 4: You will see a section similar to this.


Step 5: Click on Add policies to add a new policy or create one if none exists.


Step 6: You will see the Policies section, click on New Policy and choose Metadata policy.


Step 7: Type the name, select the connection, and customize the permissions and assets that will have Qualytics access.



Step 8: After the policy creation, you can see that it is now included in the Policy section.


Create Atlan Personal Access Token

After creating the persona, you need to create a personal access token.

Step 1: Go to API tokens in Admin center.


Step 2: Click on Generate API token.


Step 3: Add a name, description and the Persona you created before.


Step 4: Click the Save button and store it in a secure location.


Add Atlan Integration

Step 1: Go to the settings section of Qualytics and select the Integrations tab.

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Step 2: Click the Add Integration button.


Step 3: Fill out the configuration form selecting the Atlan integration type.

1️. Name (Required) Specify the name of the integration
2. Type (Required) Select the type of integration from the dropdown menu. In this case, "Atlan" is selected
3. URL (Required) The Alation whole instance address. e.g
4. Token (Required) Provide the authentication token required to connect to Atlan
5. Event Driven If enabled, the integration sync will be triggered by operations, archiving anomalies and checks.
6. Overwrite Tags If enabled, Alation tags will take priority over Qualytics tags when there are conflicting tags (tags with the same name on both sides).

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Step 4: Click the Save button to create the Atlan integration. You will see the new integration created in Qualytics.

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The Atlan synchronization supports both push and pull operations. This includes pulling tags from Alation and assigning them to Qualytics assets, as well as pushing Qualytics metadata to Atlan.


During a sync, the Atlan integration pulls tags assigned to data assets in Atlan and assigns them as external tags on the corresponding assets in Qualytics.


Tags synchronization requires manual triggering

Step 1: To perform tags synchronization, click the Sync button on the respective integration card.


Step 2: Define if the synchronization will pull tags and push metadata or both.

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Step 3: Wait for Qualytics to create external tags and assign them to the respective Qualytics assets.

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Step 4: Check the logs to review the assets that were mapped from Atlan to Qualytics.

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Step 5: After synchronization, the mapped assets will display an external tag.

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In order for a data asset's tags to be synchronized, the token you used when creating the Qualytics integration must have the appropriate permissions (ability to read tags from that asset) in Atlan.


When Qualytics identifies anomalies, alerts are sent to the assets in Atlan, indicating the number of active anomalies and providing a link to view the respective anomalies.



The Quality Score Total, the Qualytics 8 (completeness, coverage, conformity, consistency, precision, timeliness, volume, and accuracy), and the count of checks and anomalies per asset identified by Qualytics are pushed to Atlan. This allows users to analyze their assets based on metrics produced by our data profiling and scanning operations. Additionally, a link to the respective asset in Qualytics is provided.


Last update: September 18, 2024